Saturday, January 3, 2015

Instagram, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Return to Social Media

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody!  It took much longer than I anticipated, but I'm back blogging like I eventually said I would be.  I should explain what I mean, though...

Months ago, back in September, I wrote my first blog post since the summer, proclaiming like Michael Jordan and LeBron James that I was back and ready to get back to blogging/writing  I was excited because I felt like the time off had helped me recharge my creative juices, and there was so much going on in the world to inspire me.  But then life happened and I got distracted.  I had to apply to jobs (which I'm still doing), save up paying for loans, attend family events, etc.  It was busy and tiresome, so I lacked the energy to write consistently.  And it's like I've said in the past.  If I can't give it my all, I won't do it at all, so I held off on writing, putting my blog in jeopardy.  If I was done blogging, I had nothing to be ashamed of, since I went farther than I ever expected with it, from all the posts I've done, to all the readers I've gotten.  Not to mention, I am trying to write a novel, so it's best to focus on one piece of work.  Yes, after thinking about it, I thought my blog was history.

But then something changed.  The past few months, while looking for jobs, I kept thinking about one thing my teacher told me during my last year of college, which was how important networking was.  She meant it in the professional sense because the more people you know, the better chance you have of landing a job, but I thought it applied well to life also.  In the past, I've thought of social media as negative because of how useless and invasive I thought it was, and how repetitive all the different platforms seemed, among other things.  Now that I've thought about it, though, I can see I was a little mistaken.  It does have aspects of the negativity I felt for it, but it has its positives.  Through Facebook and now Instagram (which I installed yesterday), I've connected with my friends and people I care about in more ways than one.  Yes, I always prefer real life or personal contact, but it's nice to see the different ways they express themselves, like through pictures since it gives me a chance to learn about them and keep in contact, which is obviously harder as we get older in life.  Part of me is still skeptical and even a little worried about social media, but I'm willing to try it out, if not for me, than for people I care about and the potential it can have on me.  It'll still be awhile until I see true results, but I can see some progress already.

There's no guarantee I can write on this blog consistently with life being the way it is, but I'll try. 

P.S, My Instagram name is matttoy6 for those who are interested.

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