Thursday, June 26, 2014

Aaron Paul Commercial

Aaron Paul's critically acclaimed role of Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad is how people generally know him

Commercials are one of the few things in life I find really annoying.  They exist for the sole reason of companies trying to sell products or imprint messages with mass marketing.  Not to mention, it's usually an interruption to something, which is just inconvenient in itself.  But one commercial with Aaron Paul has recently been making me change how I feel about them.  For those of you who don't know which commercial I'm talking about, I'm talking about his one for XBox 1, where he plays TitanFall.  It hasn't convinced me to get an XBox 1 (though he makes it seem awesome) because of the price and how little I play games, but just seeing him and his Jesse Pinkman persona on TV again is great.  He's a humble and hardworking actor, with lots of similarities to me, I think, in his determination and belief in life, which is why it's so great to see him succeed.  It's all very well deserved, so if you haven't checked it out, go watch it.  It's pretty hard to miss.

Jesse getting to relax now that there's no more Heisenberg around

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