Monday, February 15, 2016

Apink: My Favorite/Top 16 Songs

Before I start this post, let me tell you a little story.  One time when I was taking a writing class in college, I was given a piece of information I never forgot.  At the time, I was considering becoming a freelance writer, because I didn't know if being a novelist/writer was what I wanted or ideal.  Taking notes, I remember the teacher telling me that if you want to get a person's attention, do an article/post with lists or numbers, since those really catch people's attention.  And the numbers often indicate to them how much time they'll spend reading/looking at the subject matter.  I remember being skeptical, but then realizing how right that teacher really was.  I look at lists such as top 10's all the time, and when it comes to making lists, that is something I enjoy.  It's challenging, and always subject to change, but it's great to get the creative juices flowing and analyze why something is important enough to be even be ranked in the first place.  Not many things in life are important enough for me to do that for, but Apink/KPop is one of them.  Recently, I've been checking out various Youtube channels that had top 10 songs for groups, and was inspired to do one for APink, because they are my bias group, and I was curious why I liked certain songs more than others?  I love all their songs, but WHY?  It was a subject matter that I really wanted to delve into, so I took out my notebook and my headphones to concoct my 16 favorite/top Apink songs.

Songs on this list will be ranked based on various criteria, wherever applicable: How the song sounds, lyrics, interpretation/meaning, MV, choreography, repeat-ability, etc.  Regardless of reason, it will have something to do with me.  This list/ranking is just my opinion, and since it's Apink, is certainly likely to change.  But I hope you all enjoy!  You might even be surprised.

Honorable Mention- Perfume (from Pink Memory): I know I'm sort of cheating including an honorable mention to a list of 16 things (which is long enough on its own), but I had to give this Apink song the recognition it deserves.  I narrowed it down to "I Need You" and "Hush", but ultimately chose "Perfume".  When I first heard it, I really didn't like it.  Didn't sound anything like them, but then I slowly kept listening to it more, and loved the beat of it.  If they ever did a band concept, this would be the song I think they would pick.  I could picture them performing it with all their instruments.  And I could see myself performing it on Guitar Hero/Rockband, or in my living room, which may or may not have happened, lol.  It's just such a jam and unique from their typical sound.
16. So Long (from Pink Blossom): This song made the list because of how sad and truthful it is.  On its own, it sounds that way, but if you read the lyrics, it's touching.  About two people who grow up together as friends, develop feelings, but don't realize it.  The girl seems to be hiding her feelings because she is afraid, while the guy seems oblivious (never been in that situation before...).  It seems because of what happened, they have to part, which just pulls at my string because of how real that is.  Also Namjoo and Eunji's part at the bridge.  Emotional.
15. Love Like A Fairytale/Once Upon A Time (from Pink Luv):  This song's lyrics are wonderful because it talks about love as it relates to fairytales, which is one of the oldest comparisons in the world, but still effective.  It talks about the girl's yearning to find their prince and find that glass slipper.  Not really saying that they want a fairytale love, but how long they are willing to wait.  Their belief in love is clear to feel in this song.  I also love how the end of the song plays something that sounds like a music box, which is also nostalgic of many fairytales and films of olden days past, such as Disney ones.  A nice, subtle touch.
14. 04/19 or April 19th (from Une Annee):  If you know about the history of this song, you know it's a song Apink wrote to celebrate the anniversary of their debut, as well as a thank you to fans.  I'm always a sucker for that stuff because it's nice to know the idols think about us the way we do them.  Also, Chorong wrote this song, which is a beautiful and touching composition.  This is a song that really shows their hard work and appreciation for how far they have come.  Every time I listen to it, a different memory comes up from their history.  But one image/performance always stands out that makes this song unforgettable.
13. What A Boy Wants (from Pink Memory): When it comes to picking a bias in a group, I have to be honest, usually I put maknaes last because I feel like they have to earn my attention, being so young.  But that wasn't the case with Hayoung.  She's never really been cute the way a maknae should be, she is more beautiful/gorgeous.  But the thing I like most about her is how active she is, not just socially, but in terms of the group.  And that is very true with this song, that she wrote!  That is an achievement in itself since many idols do not write their own songs, let alone good ones, but she did, here.  The song is catchy and very interesting, once again highlighting an oblivious lover.  The girl seems to know how she feels, but wonders why the guy doesn't know, which is what she wants.  After all the songs Apink has sung, you think they'd know us guys are dumb, lol, but their songs still hit us in the right spot, and this is one of them.  One of the best songs off Pink Memory, in my opinion.
12. LUV (from Pink Luv): Finally, a main title track song has made the list.  "LUV" is one of Apink's most popular songs, being commercially and critically well received for its vocals and mature, yet innocent tone, compared to many of their cute songs.  They were already popular when this song was released in 2014, but this song cemented their status as not just one of the best girl groups in Korea, but one of the top groups, overall.  Personally, I love the way the song is arranged/composed; it's a lot different with having Eunji and Bomi lead off the songs with the chorus, Naeun is part of that too, as well as Chorong at the end, which I love.  It gives the others a chance to shine.  The music video is also very sad in tone, which is very fitting of the autumn look they were going for.  Honestly, I used to loathe this song because it wasn't as upbeat as some of their other main tracks, but its vocals touch me.  And that has always counted when it comes to APink.    
11. Sunday Monday (from Pink Blossom): This is one of Apink's favorite songs, and when you listen to it, it's no wonder why.  Its message about loving someone, everyday and wanting to be/see them, is a contagious and heartwarming message that really makes you think about the special moments you have with people.  Apink sings this song all the times to fans, which I find really sweet, because as a diehard Panda, it means a lot to know that they care.  As a pop song, this delivers on all levels, but I love the guitar sound in this song, because it really seems like a song that could be performed acoustically for that special someone.  And if anyone is good at capturing love, it's Apink.
10. NoNoNo (from Secret Garden):  I feel like not much has to be said for "NoNoNo"; it is one of Apink's iconic songs that launched the group into super-stardom after their short hiatus when they came back as 6 members.  There are so many reasons to love this song, but a few reasons why I love it are because of the lyrics, which are catchy and show how much of a healing song it is.  And the fact the MV gives so much fanservice, as well as shows the fun you can have in life to get over any negativity.  Eunji's high note at the end is an exclamation point.  When life gets you down, just say, NoNoNo (I went there, lol). 
9. Good Morning Baby (from Pink Luv): I feel as though few Apink songs are as refreshing as "Good Morning Baby".  It's so upbeat and hearing this song alone gives you a sign that it is going to be a good day.  But what does it for me is the choreography for this song, which is so fast paced, as well as the lyrics, which talk about a couple, and how one person loves waking up to another person because they're in love, but takes the time to appreciate every part of their day together because that is what makes it/them special.  I just feel rejuvenated when I listen to this song, so I hope you do as well.
8. Remember (from Pink Memory): Apink's most recent comeback has a special place in my heart because it was the first comeback of theirs that I followed once I officially became a Pink Panda.  The song itself has garnered mixed reviews from fans, it seems, but I love how unique it is.  The composition of the song mixes in a lot of different chords and sounds.  And visually, in terms of color and depth, I think it is the best looking music video.  The girls change hairstyles and sets many times, it literally feels like you are going with them on a vacation (can I, please).  One other thing I also love is the fact the choreography matches the lyrics, such as when they are writing on the sand; that is my favorite part, as well as the fact all the girls get so many lines.  A great comeback by Apink, in my opinion, perfect for summer, and one of their standouts for sure.
7. Secret (from Pink Luv): This song does so much for me.  It is a ballad, but not the typical, slow one I think many are accustomed to.  One thing I love about the Pink Luv album is how the sound is so mature, and how prominent Apink's vocals are.  Their look and choreography are great, but any group can have that.  Not many groups have vocals, which Apink has, especially soulful ones, like they have in this song.  When they sing this, I feel as though I am transported to some venue and just listening to them tell me their secret.  It gives me a blues vibe, which fits in with how emotional the vocals are.  Just powerful!
6. Attracted To U (from Pink Memory): I'm sure I will surprise people putting "Attracted to U" so high on the list, but this song touches me so much on an emotional level when it comes to love and relationships.  First off, it's a ballad, which scores major points.  But its lyrics capture a feeling so perfectly.  Apink has always been good at that, and it's no different here, as the girls sing about that feeling when they realize they like somebody.  Things are different to them, days seem longer, sad songs on the radio seem different than before.  It is so truthful.  Its choreography/performance live is something I also love.  It's simplistic, but still shows off their gracefulness.  Check out its lyrics, and I think you'll be impressed.  This song isn't a main title track, but has so much emotion it it.
5. Secret Garden (from Secret Garden): Apink has done so many ballads that it is hard to pick the best one, especially since they all have good vocals and each one is a standout in its own right.  But "Secret Garden" has always been one of my favorite gems.  Its lyrics are wonderful, about opening yourself up to a person, but I love the MV because of how simplistic it is.  The girls have on little makeup, are dressed up in white to represent their goodness/purity.  And with such minimalist detail, we are left to focus on Apink and the scenery, which is I often do, anyways.  The standout thing about this song, though, is that everyone sings in the chorus, not just Eunji, Bomi, or Namjoo, one of the few times it happens.  And I don't just mean backing vocals, everyone does.  All of the member's have wonderful vocals, but when they sing in harmony, it's beautiful.  It reminds me of another song I love, "How Deep Is Your Love", by the Bee Gees, since they sang in harmony all the time.  The girls rarely do this, but when they do, it's special, memorable, and you remember why you fell in love with them in the first place.  I've listened to this song so many times, now I just hope to see it performed live, someday.
4. BubiBu (from Une Annee): KPop is big on aegyo, and if there is any Apink song that personifies cuteness, this might be it.  This song off Unee Annee wasn't the main title track, but it was one of the promoted singles.  And for good reason.  It's so damn catchy and cute, and the choreography might be one of my favorites.  But its lyrics are what catch my eye, in unison with its cute theme.  It seems to represent the feelings a girl or person might have for someone, but they can't explain it, so it's BubiBu.  I don't know about you guys, but that is so sweet and true of when you fall in love.  You are all over the place, and it's hard to often pinpoint how you feel.  One thing is for sure, this song is wonderful and magical.  When I hear BubiBu, I just think of magic because that's what falling in love is really like, such as when I fell in love with Apink <3.
3. Mr. Chu (from Pink Blossom): If you know anything about me, you know why this song is on here.  But if you don't, let me explain.  "Mr. Chu" was the first Apink song I ever heard in my life, and it made me fall in love with these 6 magical/wonderful girls.  That alone is a reason why it is so high, because it has lots of sentimental value for me.  But aside from that, the song is a triumph.  It's catchy, cute, it's choreography is in synch and one I do often; its lyrics once again capture a specific moment in a relationship, which I love.  It's music video is one of my favorites, with its brightness/colors.  And the image that if you like someone, the best thing to do is be patient.  As well as the fact that the best present is yourself.  I get such feels from this song, especially for APink.  Hearing it for the first time, you know why it's a hit.  If it wasn't for "NoNoNo", I think this would be their signature song.
2. I Don't Know/Mollayo (from Seven Springs of Apink): The only Apink song I call by its Korean name is their wonderful debut song, "Mollayo".  Sometimes, debut songs can be forgettable, but not the case with Apink.  Their debut song was so fresh with its lyrics about how a guy is so dense, he doesn't realize she likes him, lol, as well as the MV, which has so many memorable moments.  I always remember seeing Naeun, first, and how she introduces us to Apink, Gikwang being knocked out (how did that happen), Bomi bumping into the door, Eunji giving a bookmark, etc.  Little makeup, not too many fancy sets, just the girls belting their hearts out and singing.  A debut song is just supposed to let the world know you have arrived, but Apink didn't just do that with this song, they showed off their cuteness, while at the same time, showing the skills they had, as well as a consistency and sincerity they would continue to have throughout their whole career.  The song is just amazing, but Eunji's high note at the end speaks volumes.  It's 2016 and 2011 was a long time ago, but "Mollayo" will always be their first song.  And one of the best debut songs ever for a KPop group.

1. My My (from Snow Pink): Now, my favorite/top Apink song of all time is, "My My" from Snow Pink.  I admit, if I could have, I would have put this and "Mollayo" as my top songs, but I wanted to be truthful to this list, so I put this at number 1, which was a tough decision to make, when I love all their songs.  This song has a lot of traits as "Mollayo": cute, wonderful choreography, and strong vocals, but one thing I love about it, like many Apink songs, is that it sounds like they are singing directly to you.  "You're My My", sounds like they are saying I am their special person, which resonates instantly with me.  Not to mention, it has wonderful line distribution and a MV that starts off sweet, but then gets fierce with its memorable imagery, such as them partying and then dancing in NBA jerseys, which was so memorable/standout and ahead of its time.  It was just such a unique and wonderful look.  I think overall, that is what sets it apart from "Mollayo".  I love that song, but this song just refines everything a little bit more.  Their dance and vocals have improved, and they are even more cute in a song with lots of color, fanservice, and an Eunji high note.  That is a winning combination for me, and why Apink is My My!
So, here are my favorite/top 16 Apink songs!  With the girls still being active, it is certainly not finite and subject to change at any time.  This was one of the hardest lists I ever had to write (I'm already thinking of changing some of the choices now, lol), but I enjoyed the challenge and examining why I love Apink so much.  I hope you enjoyed reading and gained more of an appreciation for these 6 wonderful girls like I have.  One cliche thing I hate about KPop is when someone says a group's songs all sound the same, but you can tell from this list that is not the case.  Even if songs do have similarities, there is a special meaning or story for all of them that make them stand out.  Which ones are your favorites?  Happy Valentine's Day!  And thanks for reading!   Apink, fighting!  SARANGHAE <3

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Seeing Apink and Why I Love KPop

Bucket lists are a funny thing to me.  Not in that they exist, but the context in which they're used.  Often times, I hear people saying, "I want to do this because it's on my bucket list".  But bucket lists are meant as something you do once, or before you die.  For older people, it makes sense to say that, but when I hear younger people say that, it makes me scratch my head.  Why put limits on yourself when you have a whole lifetime to do something?  And what could be so important that it even requires the term, bucket list?  I always wondered that because nothing in my life had ever seemed that important enough, besides love, which is on everyone's list, as far as I'm concerned.  But after seeing Apink, my favorite KPop/musical group in LA a little over a week ago, I can finally say, I understand what people were talking about. 

Let me backtrack a little, though.  Most people who know me well, enough, know how much I love KPop or Korean music.  But in terms of KPop, I always had trouble choosing or stanning (means being a fan/representative of a group).  There were male groups I loved to listen to like 2PM, SHINee, B2ST, VIXX, INFINITE, Got7, B.A.P.  And in the case of female groups, there was Sistar, Girls Generation, AOA, f(x), etc.  But none of them touched me on an emotional level.  Even 2PM, who was the first group I listened to, that got me into KPop; I loved them, but the connection wasn't there, that I went crazy, bought merchandise, or passionately followed them.  Not to mention, in KPop, usually guys like female groups and women like male groups.  So I wanted a female group to stan.  It was just so hard to find because all idols and groups have good looking members, but it's always been about the music first for me.  So I looked high and low to no avail, which made me give up.

But, that all changed a few months ago, when I went to my first KPop event, KCon2015 in New York/New Jersey.  My brother was in the front seat of the car we were in, and he was playing an endless playlist of KPop songs galore.  It was mostly Girls Generation songs because everyone had heard of them, but I nodded off off and on because I didn't know all their songs or the members, which if I don't know, is a huge turnoff.  I almost fell asleep in the car since it was a long ride, until I heard the song, "Mr. Chu".  Apparently, it was a very popular song the previous year, but I had never heard of it, so I asked my brother who sung the song because it was catchy, and it was getting stuck in my head.  The beat, the vocals, the chorus, it was hitting all the right notes.  I expected my brother to say some random group I had never heard of, but when he said Apink, I was shocked.  I had heard of them before, since they were from the ACube/Cube, the same music company as many of my favorite KPop groups, but I just never knew their music was like that.  So after the insanity and joy that was KCon, I checked out all of APink's latest songs, music videos, you name it.  I thought I might have found the right group, but I took precaution, since this wouldn't be the first time I thought this way before.  Since I had just started buying KPop albums, recently, I bought one of Apink's albums, Pink Blossom, since it had the song, "Mr. Chu", on it.  But after looking through the photobook and listening to all the songs, I bought their whole discography at once; then other stuff, like posters, photos, DVDs, cups, and even pillows.  It was safe to say I really fell for Apink.  After that, I followed them constantly, wherever I could, following their Facebook and Twitter page, and watching their reality shows and performances on various sites.  Most people thought I would get tired of them, but how could I when I loved a group so much?!

Then the unthinkable happened a few months ago.  I had discovered through Twitter that a girl group was going to tour in North America for the first time.  They didn't say who, specifically, but I and most others assumed it was Apink with the hints and silhouette they gave, and of course, like the KPop fans we are, we were right.  Apink was going to tour in North America for the first time, although only in the parts of Canada and the West Coast.  I was excited, but heartbroken that I was unlikely going to be able to see them since I didn't live anywhere close to where they were performing.  But after thinking about it and doing calculations in my head, I determined that I could go if I got the time off from work, and saved up enough money.  I just had to do things in cycles, which I did.  First, I chose the venue I wanted to go to, which was LA, since it seemed the most appealing and I had some family out there.  Then I got the days off approved, which only left the major task of actually getting the tickets.  I still needed plane and hotel tickets, but the Apink tickets were top priority for me.  KPop tickets are hard enough to get, but once they announced there would be Meet + Greet and photo op, I knew that my chances weren't going to be easy.  Being as big of an Apink fan as I now was, I wanted the top ticket and the chance to meet my dream girls.  But luck has historically never been on my side, and I usually mess things up.  Not to mention, my brother had experience buying KPop tickets, and he said that they sold out fast, so my hopes weren't that high.  I desperately wanted to meet Apink, but now that everything I had wanted happened, I would have just been happy to go and cheer them on.  But luck did reward me and my patience, because on the day that the tickets went on sale in LA, I was one of the few 200 or so people that was fortunate enough to get the top tickets, Meet + Greet.  I had never ordered tickets, through a site that had a waiting room, or bidding, but it was a process I didn't want to repeat, again.  It was so stressful, having multiple devices open, waiting for the page to reload, knowing that you were competing against other people.  But I was so glad I got my ticket, I jumped up and down happier than a child getting their favorite toy on Christmas.  I was really going to see Apink, my favorite KPop group, in LA!  Was this really happening?

It was, and let me just say, now that the moment has come and gone, it was a spectacular and memorable experience.  I went on a plane for the first time, to a state that wasn't on the East Coast, and I got to meet/see my favorite group, while meeting a few good people in the process, who have the same passion and love for APink/KPop like I do.  I don't know exactly how all of them feel, but I know lots of people said it was one of the best night's of their lives, which I have to agree with.  I never dreamed months ago, that I would actually see Apink, live, but there I was, 3000 miles away from home, in LA, with hundreds of people, loving and cheering for our favorite group.  It was so emotional.  And the girls put on a show.  They were so nice during the Meet + Greet, which I was fortunate enough to do; I barely remember it, since it was so fast, but I remember that they had small hands and smelled really good.  And I got to talk to my favorite member a little and make eye contact, which was an unforgettable experience.  They had a lot of fan interaction, and of course, performed all their hit songs, which I and everyone else sung along, too.  There was water on stage for the members to drink, but I honestly think I needed it more, since I lost my voice after the first song from screaming.   

A question people are often asked for anything is why they like somebody or something?  It's often complex to answer, but when it comes to Apink, it's one of the few things I can explain clearly.  Yes, they're all beautiful (lots of groups have that), but besides that, they create wonderful music about love and other topics that are instantly relatable to me.  I love male groups because they sing and write love songs that I can relate to, or imagine myself singing to that special person.  When Apink sings, I imagine falling in love with that person or them for that matter.  And in terms human beings, Apink is wonderful.  If you read/watch their interviews or shows, you can see how genuine and sincere they really are.  And how hard they have worked  since their debut in 2011.  There are lots of groups out there, but there are few groups that I have so many similarities with.  That's why I love APink, because they are so close and I can see my friends and I doing the same things they do.  My favorite member or bias is Eunji, the main vocalist of the group, because I love her voice, her acting, her look, everything.  But I do love all the members, Chorong, Naeun, Bomi, Namjoo, and Hayoung because they represent different aspects of myself.  Eunji is outspoken and honest, Chorong is the conservative/introverted strong leader, Bomi is the energy of the group, Naeun is the shy, humble, attentive idol, Namjoo is always happy and cheerful and speaks for the group, while Hayoung, being the youngest, has to work the hardest, but always tries her best, whether in singing and making her members happy.  I suppose when I look at Apink that way, it's no wonder I love them so much.  They say music is something that represents you, and that is no different with Apink.  They just make up 6 different parts that make me who I am.  I used to be unsure with KPop and myself as a person, but because of them, I'm more sure than ever now, and these girls are here to stay <3.

I'm 24, and hoping that I still have lots of years left to live.  I haven't done much in my life, compared to other people my age, but I'm glad I took the risk to go thousands of miles just to see Apink because meeting and seeing them truly was a life changing experience.  It was on my bucket list, but I didn't think it would actually happen.  Now, that is has, though, I hope I'm wrong about bucket lists, and I get to see them again, because I love them so much <3.  To some, KPop is just music, but to me, it's a part of my daily life and routine.  And when I see Apink, I realize they are, too.  Saranghae Apink <3.  FIGHTING!
I'll always remember 1/9/16 as the day I met/saw Apink.  The day has since passed, but I'll always have the memories.