Thursday, February 7, 2013


This weekend, I'm going back home for the first time in close to three weeks.  One of the longest stretches of time I've been away from home since I've been in college.  I know that doesn't sound long to all you people who are out of state or far away, but for me, that's long.  I can't tell you how excited I am to go home because it's Chinese New Year Sunday, I get see some old friends, eat food, etc, but at the same time, I know I'm going to have to shovel, and then deal with the commute coming back.  So going home has it's perks, but it definitely has it's negatives to, which got me thinking, going home just doesn't mean what it used to anymore.

I first thought of home a couple days ago, while waiting for my 2 o'clock class to begin at school.  As I was waiting, it passed 1:40, which made me think of my high school, and how I used to be done with the day at that time.  School may of been harder then, and I may of had more work because of the bunched schedule, but I think I enjoyed going home more then compared to now because I got to see my friends, and those were simpler times.  Sure, as a senior in high school you have to deal with SAT's or college applications, but a majority of the time, you are hanging out with friends, and the schedule is so consistent with the same teachers, that you know what to expect.

People who have active lives in college may disagree with this sentiment, and they can, but I still think I'm right.  Sure, you may have fun in college, and get good grades, but look at the negatives.  You have to make new friends, have new teachers and classes every semester, pay up the a** in financial aid, and by the time you're done, you may have no home, or know what you want to do with your life.  College life may sound better than being at home with your parents, but the older you get, the more you realize you miss and need them. 

I know we eventually have to move on from home since soon we'll be the next generation of adults, but until that time, I'm going to enjoy going home every minute since in the future, "home" may not be around.  I may have my beefs with my parents and siblings, but it's better than being at college and not having them around.  Home may be far away, but it's still a part of me.

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