Monday, February 4, 2013

Rage Against The "College" Machine

I don't consider myself a person with great fashion sense since I wear common clothing like t-shirts and jeans, but despite being that way, one thing I am proud to say I am against is college clothing.  I'll never understand how/why someone will buy clothing from their college, yet they despise the school so much.  Do they want to reward them for giving tons of loans or wasting years of their life?  A person's money is hard enough to come by as it is.  It's bad enough students have to overpay for books they'll never use again.  Now they have to overpay for shirts or sweats if they do want to represent the school.  It just isn't worth it, especially for colleges because they always have money even when they say they don't.

Sometimes, I wish colleges would give back to the students, but most of the time they're just machines who want money at another person's expense.  I know not all colleges and situations are like this, but when you're a college student, it seems like most of the time colleges always get what they want. It sucks, but it's reality.  That's why I maintain my independence, and will never feed the machine.

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