Friday, February 22, 2013

The Mysticalness Of Time

Whenever I'm alone or in deep thought, one of the things I think about most is time.  I know that sounds weird because time is pretty much self-explanatory, but to me, time is mystical.  It's something that has been around since the beginning of time, it's changed it's look (sun-dial to clock), and it passes by without us even realizing it.  Time may seem simple, but it's far from it.

Time has been on my mind a lot recently because of school.  We've all had days that we want to end quicker than others.  Whenever I have one of those days, I just look at my watch, and watch the seconds and minutes go by.  Sometimes some days go by faster than others, but they go by, which always amazes me.  It's even more of a stark revelation when it's over a long period of time like a month or a week.  I never think that time like that will go by, but then like that, it's passed. 

It's kind of scary that time can go by like that without us noticing, but I guess it's something we all have to get used to since the older we get, the less time we'll have.  I've been in college for four years now almost, and I still can't believe soon it will have been four years since I graduated high school.  Those days still seem so recent since my friends and I talk about it often, but now that some of us are going to graduate, it's a reminder of how much time has truly passed, and how much older we're getting. 

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