Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oscar Thoughts

The 85th annual Academy Awards were this past weekend, and I watched most of what I could, which was about an hour and a half of it.  I have some thoughts on it, so here are some opinions I have of the ceremony overall.  I know I'm three days late, but give me a break, I was going through some personal stuff.

Now, my Oscar Thoughts...
  • Seth MacFarlane has gotten a mixed reaction for how he hosted the ceremony, which is fair since some of his routine was bad taste, but I thought he was decent host compared to James Franco and Anne Hathaway, who were awful.  And I'm someone who dislikes Seth MacFarlane because I find his humor repetitive and somewhat misogynistic.  The consensus is that he was bad, but if that's the case, stop trying to attract younger audiences with people who have no business being hosts.  Just get Billy Crystal to host every year, or find a way to bring Bob Hope back to life.
  • Christoph Waltz winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor was no shock to me, although I can't say it was obvious because I only saw maybe three of the nominees this year.  The obvious thing Christoph Waltz should do though is always work with Quentin Tarantino because they both bring out the best in each other.
  • I'm hoping that Anne Hathaway's Academy Award for Les Miserables will make her choose movie roles better, or make her a better actress because besides being attractive, I don't think she's a good actress.
  • Based on the reviews of Brave from critics and audience alike, I'm stunned Brave won for Best Animated Feature, although this was a weak year for animated films.
  • How did Quentin Tarentino win for Best Original Screenplay when his screenplay for Django Unchained was so flawed?  I guess the Academy must be softening up a bit, or they just wanted to give some big name an award. 
  • Adele winning an Academy Award for Skyfall was well deserved, and great for James Bond movies overall, but her performance was just sub-par at best.  You could barely hear what she was singing. 
  • Jennifer Lawrence's misstep was something I could foresee coming.
  • Is is odd that Ang Lee and Daniel Day-Lewis are stars at their profession, yet they seemed so awkward/shy when they won?  Maybe, it's just because they were stunned they won Academy Awards, but I just never expected that from them.
  • If you're one of those rare people who thinks Oscars make careers, what do you think of Daniel Day- Lewis winning this third Academy Award for Best Actor?  He's the only person to ever do that, so does that make him one of the greatest actors of all time, or are you still unconvinced like I am?
  • The Michelle Obama appearance was nice, but awkward at times, and unnecessary.
  • They need to find a way to make the Oscars shorter.  Three and a half hours is way too long.

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