Friday, February 1, 2013

Newspaper Wars

Awhile ago, I was reading the Boston Herald in public when I heard someone make a comment about me.  It wasn't about the way I looked, or what I was wearing, but about the fact that I was reading the Boston Herald since in this person's mind, it was garbage.  I couldn't believe the audacity of this random person, making a comment about me, and the newspaper I read.  How could they judge me when they didn't know me?  They only looked at the type of newspaper I had which was wrong.

First off, I think I deserve credit for reading a newspaper of any kind because most people nowadays don't even read the newspaper anymore.  They'll just read it online, or watch the news instead, which is a lot faster.  Secondly, you can think what you want of the Boston Herald, but the Boston Globe isn't much better.  It's basically saying the the same things other Boston newspapers do, except they charge more ($2-$1), and they do it in sections like that's so genius.  Why separate everything if the point of a newspaper is to keep it all together anyways?  It just doesn't make sense.  Also, the Boston Globe has a terrible design being more vertical, therefore making it hard to read on your lap and eat at the same time.  That may not sound important to many of you people, but the point of a newspaper is convenience, and that doesn't sound convenient to me.

The thing that ticks me off about the Boston Globe the most though is their online site.  After awhile, you can't read their paper anymore online for free.  You have to register or pay for it, which I think is BS compared to the Boston Herald, which you can read in it's entirety for free.  It's a principal thing to me.  The Boston Globe advertises itself like it's better because of it's format, writer's, delivery, etc, but they're charging more for the same news that other papers and news outlets have.  It just doesn't make sense, and is very deceiving in my mind.

This isn't a piece to disapprove the Boston Globe.  I happen to read their paper sometimes, and enjoy some of their writers, but I don't want to be judged just because I read the Boston Herald.  There's more to me than that, and there's more to newspapers than just the titles.

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