Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day gets a lot of hate from people, but I honestly can't understand why that is.  Valentine's Day is a day that celebrates one of the most important things in the world, love, which is something that should be celebrated all the time, let alone one day.  Yes, I know the day is commercialized, and shows a lot of affection between people, but every holiday is like that, so don't hate on Valentine's Day!  It's just a day where people express how they feel about each other.

If it was up to me, I would switch Valentine's Day up to not just focus on couples, but any relationships, whether ones with friends or family since most of the time, I don't think we show the people we love that we care/notice them.  That is why I say Happy Love Day instead of Happy Valentine's Day, since we should tell the people we love that we care about them.  It doesn't have to be commercialized or public like it's portrayed in the media.  It just has to be sincere, which is what I think he day is really about.

For all the haters, I doubt I've changed their mind, but regardless, I still want to say Happy Valentine's/Love Day since we need more positivity in this world. 

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