Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Morning

I'm back after a 2-3 day hiatus from blogging, in a good mood, feeling better than ever, but that changed quickly from the moment I woke up.  I woke up early like I always do when I have to go to the computer lab since I have to beat the morning traffic if I want to print something.  The problem was that I overslept past my alarm, so I woke up closer to seven o'clock.  Not a huge difference since I would still be the first person at the computer lab, and still have time for class, but then when I left the place I'm staying, I realized my umbrella was in terrible condition, so I couldn't shield myself from the rain.

That was bad, but it was something I was used to, so I wasn't too angry.  As I was walking to the computer lab with my headphones on, I passed by a school bus and some kids standing outside.  I was wondering why they weren't going on the bus since the door was open, but then I realized that something was wrong.  I took off my headphones, then talked to the bus driver, who asked me if I could get a kid's shoe out of a snow pile because somehow it came off, like the whole shoe.  And it wasn't on top of the pile, it must have been like a foot deep.  I couldn't say no to kids though, so I decided to help, but then it happened!  The show pile caved in because of the rain, and my shoe was drenched with rain and snow; I felt it right away.  Worst of all, the kids shoe took forever to pull out.  When I finally did get it out, my hand was bleeding a bit because of some cuts I previously had.  The bus driver said thank you, but the kid didn't say anything.  I know he was just a kid, so I shouldn't have got mad, but you should still have some manners when someone does something for you.

I thought about turning back after everything I had been through, but it had only been 20 minutes since I left, and if I didn't at least print what I needed, then this experience would have been for nothing.  I eventually got to the computer lab and printed my homework, but after that, I decided I was going to skip class because attendance wasn't mandatory, and I didn't have dry shoes.  Hence, why I'm here posting this right now.

The rain sucks because of what it did to the snow, and what it always does to my clothes, but despite that ordeal today, I'm still in a good mood, and I'm back.

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