Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My First Booster Box

Last week, I did something that I said I would never do, which was order a Booster Box of trading cards.  In the past, when I played Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh, the temptation was always there to buy cards, but I always reasoned that it was better to use money on single cards I wanted, than use lots of money to buy cards I didn't want.  Not to mention, I never knew if it was worth it to use lots of money on something I only play part time.  I love Pokémon and grew up with it, but as I get older, there's less of it in my life, besides when my friends have arguments about it.  All these things were on my mind as I was contemplating buying the booster box, but in the end, I went with it since I had some money to spare, and I never treated myself, so why not do it this one time?

I ordered my booster box off Ebay and received it in 2 business days, which I was extremely happy about.  When it came in the mail, the first thing that caught my eye was how small it was.  From box openings and reaction videos I've seen of others opening the cards, the box seemed so much bigger, but that could have just been because of the camera.  Still, I was concerned, so I kept wondering as I walked to my friend's place if I had been gypped.  Luckily, I hadn't because when I opened the box, there were 36 packs as advertised.

It's funny how you wait so long for something, and then in an instant, it's over.  That statement can be applied to anything in life, and applies to these cards as well.  I agonized over buying the cards for so long, and then waited for them to come, but in less than 25 minutes, my friend and I had ripped off the plastic of all 36 packs.  Sad, I know.  All in all, I think the box was worth it.  We didn't get the top EX Pokémon in my opinion, which was Mew, or the Ho-Oh card I wanted, but I got the other 4 EX's, so in the end, I got at least 3-4 ultra rares.  I wish I had gotten the specific cards I wanted, but I think looking back, this purchase was worth the price.  Not just for the cards I did get, but the experience of opening packs of cards like a child again, and doing it with friends.  I don't know if I'll be buying any cards again in the future, but if I do, I'll certainly be less hesitant.   

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