Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Better And Healthier Me

Today, I went into my basement and found something that I hadn't seen in years.  It wasn't a photo album or anything sentimental like that; it was my old stationary bike.  Not something people usually get excited over, but with my recent visit to the doctor, who said I needed to lose weight, what better way to add onto the exercise I already do, then riding my bike?  It's strenuous and convenient because I don't have to go outside my house to do it.  In the past, I didn't enjoy my bike because I found it boring, but now, I'm determined more than ever to lose the weight I need to be healthy.

After cleaning my bike because it was in the basement for so long, I decided to get on it and give it a test run.  Originally, I wasn't going to go too hard since it was my first time on it in years, but once I was on it, I rode it with no difficulties.  It was pretty easy with my IPod, and the only negatives were the seat, which hurt my butt.  Since the bike is old, it doesn't have good resistance settings, but you can turn the knob or just pedal harder, which I did.  I didn't expect to sweat so much, but in no time at all, I had ridden an hour straight and was sweating through my shirt.  Something I was very proud of.  Hopefully, that type of enthusiasm and results continue!  That way, I can be a better and healthier me.

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