Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My First WWE Live Event

I feel like when it comes to things I can talk about forever, the list goes on and on.  Writing, Sports, Love, it doesn't matter.  The only thing that matters is that it has to be something I'm passionate about.  Which is why it might come as a surprise to people that wrestling is one of the few things I can talk about forever.  It's not something I can say I love and can watch any time now, but back in the day, my middle school friends and I talked about it like a religion.  And it was at that time, I watched and followed it to the point I thought it was real (which I thought for awhile until I came to my senses).  Then came a span after when I stopped watching, which could be attributed to various things.  The wrestlers in WWE got worst, the story lines stunk, and I didn't have cable, so I was missing out anyways by only being able to watch Smackdown.  Then like many things in life, I had a rebirth of interest, so the past year or, I've been following WWE again, which culminated at my first live show on Sunday, which was the Money in the Bank PPV.

It was a surprise getting tickets in the first place because I didn't buy them.  My friends bought them for me as a birthday gift, so I was already floored by the gesture.  There are other things I feel like I would have wanted, but any time someone takes the time and effort to get you something, you should appreciate it.  I'm so used to giving that I never get anything, so this was a surprise I accepted with welcome arms.

It didn't hit me that we were actually going to the event until the day of, when I hung out with my friends and physically saw the tickets.  Then once we got to the venue where the Money in the Bank was going on, it was electric.  There were fans everywhere, signs, and chants that set the mood.  And the production value was amazing, with the sets, pyrotechnics, and matches themselves.  Some of the results weren't the way I expected or wanted, but it was still a great show, that made me want to go again in the future if possible, and revived my interest in wrestling for now and the foreseeable future.

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