Friday, January 25, 2013

Disney vs. Miyizaki

Whether or not you pay attention to movies, I think it's a safe bet to say that everyone has seen at least one Disney film in their lives.  The first one I saw was the Lion King, but now that I'm older, my taste has changed.  I won't say what my favorite Disney film is; I just wanted to know what people thought of Disney films compared to Miyizaki films, the animated films from Japan.  I don't know a whole lot about Miyizaki to be perfectly honest, but his films such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro are considered masterpieces by critics.  I own a few of his films and agree that they are very well done, but how do they stack up against Disney films?  I grew up with Disney, so I admit that there's a bias towards it, but anyone  who watches a Miyizaki film can't tell me it's not more intellectual or thrilling for the senses.  So that's why I want to know, do people like Disney films more than Miyizaki films?  And how do they compare, if at all?  I know this isn't a competition, but it's something I've always been fascinated in as a fan of animation and movies.

1 comment:

  1. I've personally thought about this myself. I'm not one to bash on Disney but the Miyizaki had more heart to me. The Disney films we're suspenseful, and thrilling I don't doubt but Miyizaki's films left me dreaming and had a certain type of "magic" to them. I watched Disney films growing up and it was a good cartoon but that was it. If I watched it again, it was only because it was part of my movie collection and because there was nothing else. My one exception is Toy Story. Toy Story is a film that I genuinely enjoy even to this day, however I don't feel that it has the magic of Miyizaki's films. The simplicity of some of them can be both moving and deep. Even afterwards it leaves you pondering if you were able to understand it. Disney seems too superficial to me, however Pixar has been stepping it up lately but compared to the timeline of Miyizaki's films vs Disney films, I personally believe studio Ghibili produced more "Magical" Films...
