Friday, January 25, 2013

Moderate As President?

Whenever someone asks me what political party I side with, I pause.  Growing up and living in Massachusetts, I know I'm supposed to say I'm a Democrat all the way, but there are some days when I feel Republican.  Because I flip flop back and forth, I consider myself a moderate on the important issues.  I won't air those out now, but it made me question what would happen if a moderate person were elected President?  I think a majority of the population wouldn't be for it, but if people are so dissatisfied by the way Democrats and Republicans have run the country, why is it so outrageous?  Moderates are usually in the middle. 

I know by the way I presented this, I'm simplifying the discussion, but that's only so people can think about it or talk it over.  People may think a moderate as President is crazy or will never happen, but they said the same thing about an African American being President, and now it's happened.  So why can't this?

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