Friday, January 25, 2013


Ever since I was little, whenever I was taught about US history, I was always stopped by Martin Luther King Jr.  His life seemed to be no mystery to me as a child, but as I got older, I wondered the truth about his death like so many others in history (JFK).  He died in 1968, which was 45 years ago (if my math isn't wrong), yet we still honor him today, which I greatly approve of.  My question is why we don't know more about him as a whole despite his birthday and day passing by recently?  I mean we know a lot about Rosa Parks, and even know enough about Malcolm X through the various books and movies on him, yet I can't even recall a significant book or movie about Martin Luther King Jr. in recent memory.  This could all be because I'm from the younger generation, but it has always piqued my curiosity.

Anyways, this post was just to vent that small thing, and to show everyone this video Our Friend, Martin.  Our Friend, Martin was a 1998 animated children's educational film about two friends who travel back in time to the days of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement.  I saw it as a child back in Elementary school, but only rediscovered it recently after thinking about Martin Luther King Jr.  I admit that it may be hard to take seriously because it's animated, but it's moving, and uses real history and facts to help the plot move.  Sure, it's aimed toward children, but like I said in the other blog about TV shows, it's better to instill these things in children early.  Otherwise, they may never learn about the important people or facts in history.  I'm usually not a fan of educational movies since most of the time they're terrible, but this one is different.  Hope anyone who see's this enjoys!

Question: Are there any other historical figures in history that you think people should learn more about?

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