Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Critics I Hate

Has this ever happened to you before?  You're out with someone you know wherever (home, friend's house, restaurant), and you order food, only to have the person you're with complain about it?  Once in awhile if that happens, that would be okay, but when it happens as frequently as I've seen it done, it just gets annoying.

When did everyone become food critics?  Did they get a job with some newspaper or magazine and not tell me?  I can understand complaining about food if it's terribly made, or you go out to eat and the place stinks, but most of us are just ordinary people.  It's not our job to rate food and restaurants, we're just supposed to eat it.  If you order something and dislike it, don't complain about it, just think "I didn't like this one dish", or know what you want to order beforehand.  That way if you're in the mood for something, you won't make the mistake of going to the wrong place.   

Another thing I dislike is when people complain about food at a friend's house, since they're complaining about something that is free.  It's a right to come into someone's home and eat their food.  You're supposed to be grateful for that, not critique it.  That person doesn't need to give you food.  If anything, you can eat at your own damn house if you don't like it. 

When did people become snobby know-it-all's when it comes to food?  I understand their right to express themselves since they're paying money to cook at home or eat out, but just think about this, there are people all over the world who have no food, who would do anything for what we have, so be grateful.  We have no idea what it's truly like to be hungry or have no food, which is why I say keep keep food critique's to a minimum.  The world is already negative enough as it is.  We don't need to keep contributing to the cause.

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