Thursday, January 24, 2013

The First of Hopefully Many


If you're reading this, than that means I got something right with technology for once.  I'm still getting the hang of everything, but so far, everything looks good.  I hope in time to master blogging because there's a lot I think I have to offer to the world, whether it's my opinion, or what I'm doing for the day.  I first want to thank my friends Scotty, Phu, and Quincy for giving me the idea to start a blog and put my ideas out there.  Added onto them, are all the other people, who are so big in number, that I wouldn't be able to name all of them.  Anyways, this is just practice.  I'll have something up soon, so I hope that you enjoy whatever I post on my new blog.

-Matt Toy 


  1. Way to go Matt! I'll be checking this blog often!

  2. Thanks Pro! I appreciate your support as always. Gonna try and write on this a lot from now on.
