Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Offensiveness Of "That's What She Said"

I can't remember the first time I heard the phrase "That's What She Said", but I know the I first time I saw it mentioned was on The Office.  Everyone thought it was funny, but I never understood why.  Sure, it was clever, but it wasn't hilarious, and it was offensive.  For a long time people have been asking me why I think this, but if you have to ask why, then there must be something ignorant about you.

"That's What She Said" is offensive because it offends women and makes it seem like they think about sex all the time.  Whether or not that's true, that doesn't mean it's something that you should say.  It can be very hurtful, and it's just not good taste.  It reminds me of the double standards society sets for men and women.  The example they give in school all the time is if a guy has a lot of women, then he's big man on campus, but if a woman has a lot of guys around her, then she's a whore/prostitute/etc.  It just isn't right, and people need to know that.  Do guys just assume women want to do that all the time?  What about homosexual men?  They like men, so why don't you say that about them or your MOM who also likes men?  They don't say it because they're "scared", it's gross, or offensive, but they're doing that to women when they say that.  It just goes to show that most people who say stuff like this don't have a brain cause they never think about others.  They just think about themselves and their dumb humor like it's funny, but when it's turned back on them, it's not so funny after all.

This bothers me a lot because I'm a feminist and think very highly of women.  No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I don't think it's right to make up jokes about women or men cause sometimes things can be taken the wrong way.  You may think I'm taking this too seriously, but if you don't believe me, try saying "That's What She Said" to a woman.  Then you'll realize just how dumb this phrase and jokes aimed toward women are.  You wouldn't want to be judged or made fun of all the time, so don't do it to women.

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