Thursday, January 24, 2013

This Weather...

The weather this Winter has been ridiculous in Boston and in other parts of Massachusetts I have been in the previous month.  If it's not snowing, there's freezing rain, cloudiness, or a sun that seems to be taunting everyone as they go outside.  I despise the fact that the sun is out, yet it is freezing outside because of the wind chill.  Like today for instance, I think it was 8 degrees in the morning, but -13 degrees counting the wind chill, which is ridiculous.  Why should people have to go to school or work in weather that makes it so hard to commute?  For me, the weather has been so bad that my hands dry out and bleed, or I have trouble breathing.  I try and bundle up, but I still feel like I'm getting burned to death.  It sucks, but this is weather in Massachusetts.  It could be worst I suppose; I could be living in Wisconsin, Colorado, or Alaska, where the temperature is really bad and unpredictable. 

Until things get better, all I can do is wait the six months til Summer.  It's not my most favorite season, but anything has to be better than feeling like you're going to die every morning when you get out of bed.

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