Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Great Day!

Most people I know have great days often, but for me, they rarely happen, which is why when I have a day like today, which was great, I have to talk about it.  I know from the way I've built it up, you probably think I did amazing things, like win the lottery or meet someone famous, but neither happened.  It was actually a really chill day, and that's what was so great about it.  I hung out with my friend Phu, ate delicious food, bought some Yu-Gi-Oh cards, went to Dedham, and most importantly, caught up with him.  Like I said before, on the surface, it seems like I just had another hangout, but the older I get, I realize it will be harder to see my friend's, which is why I cherish days like today when we just spend time together.

Thanks for the day Phu!

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