Tuesday, May 28, 2013


When it comes to relating to everyday problems people deal with, I think I deal with less than the average person.  One thing I do deal with though, which is a problem for most people is trying to shop and eat food, while watching out for NaCl or salt.  I know most of you reading this don't think it's a problem, but for a majority of us with health problems, it is.  Salt is everywhere, and while it's necessary for our bodies to have some, most of the time, there's too much in everyday food.

There's salt in everything from processed food to food that you wouldn't even think had any like yogurt, etc.  As people, we can make the choice whether to eat the food or not, but most of the time, when we consume more NaCl when necessary, I blame food labels or the distributors because they do not inform the people properly what's in their product.  An example on my mind is when I see Subway ads, or read labels on foods like chips.  They say they reduce the calories and fat, but never say the NaCl content, which is misleading because to me, that does more harm than calories and fat do.  There's good calories and fat for the body, but I've never heard a doctor say eat more salt.  That just doesn't make sense, and would lead to bad health in the future.

I know nothing will change as long as business's want money, so the only thing we consumers with health problems can do is to read labels carefully, and watch what we eat, which I think as people we do well enough.

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