Thursday, May 2, 2013


Bugs, or insects (as they're correctly called), are one of the things I despise most in life.  You may think I'm joking, but ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you I can't stand them.  I don't know what I dislike about them the most.  Maybe it's the fact that they're pests, can kill people, and sometimes have no importance to the ecosystem.  I'll give it to you that bees are important, but I have a hard time believing all the species of beetles in the world are necessary, like the Asian ones that destroy trees.  Yeah, those are really helping us (I'm being sarcastic of course).

The reason why I'm blogging about this is because the past few days I've had bees that came into my room somehow, even though I never leave the door open, and always shut the windows.  I dispatched of them very quickly (and somewhat easily), but I was still scared as sh*t from the buzzing, and the fact that even though I clearly smashed it, it was still alive.  Yes, I know bugs are necessary for society, but I swear, if I was president, I would pass a bill that would eliminate any unnecessary bugs.  I'm sure people like PETA would be against me, but I wouldn't care.  I know that no one likes having a garbage fly or bee in their house, so the people would probably thank me.  It's one thing when we're talking about in nature, but in my house, it's my rules!

I know bugs are here to stay, so I have to live with them, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.  Maybe my fear of that will change as I get older, but till then, we'll always be enemies.
Bugs maybe cute to some, but unless they're the ones from Pokemon, they aren't getting near me

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