Monday, May 13, 2013

What Should I Do?: Yu-Gi-Oh Style

For the past few days, I've been looking at and re-buying Yu-Gi-Oh cards to build a good dueling deck.  I've tried remaking my old deck from my youth (which was Spellcaster/Fiend), but it's been difficult with the way new cards are now, and how much older cards cost.  I could buy some of the newer ones, but I'm still drawn into the nostalgia of old ones like Gate Guardian, Dark Magician, and banned cards, which have made my deck suck.  As I've started dueling again, I've rediscovered how fun it is, and how it really does require strategy, which is something I didn't conceive as a child.  I haven't won yet, but I've had fun, making me think maybe I'm more cut out to be a collector since I only buy rare cards, and love the shininess of them.  If those options don't work, then I'll have to be a rare hunter or part of Team Rocket.

In all seriousness though, despite buying so many cards, I'm clueless on building a proper deck.  So does anyone have any suggestions for someone like me, who wants to make a Spellcaster/Dragon deck?  I honestly don't know what to do.

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