Friday, May 3, 2013

A Song To Say Good-Night To...

Recently, I just watched Woody Allen's masterpiece Crimes and Misdemeanors, and it ended with the song, "I'll Be Seeing You".  I could try and say whose version of the song is my favorite (which would be a toss up between this film's version, or the one played at the end of Star Trek Deep Space Nine), but that would take forever considering so many artists have covered the song.  Anyways, ever since I saw the film, I couldn't get that song out of my head, so I went on Youtube, and was looking up stuff on Paul Newman, (my favorite actor of all-time), when I found the In Memoriam video from the 81st Academy Awards, which is when he died.  They played this song during the tribute video which was rare because they usually don't have someone sing during the In Memoriam part, but they did this time with Queen Latifah.  I know most people are mixed on her, but I liked her version of this song.  I've never heard her sing before, so this was a welcome treat for me, and definitely a great song to end the night with.  Not just cause of how I feel about the Boston Celtics loss to the New York Knicks, but just to say good-night to.  Anyways, hope you all have a nice night, or morning, depending on where you read this from.  Enjoy the video!

A year where we lost many great people in cinema, but I'll always have a soft spot for Paul Newman

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