Saturday, May 25, 2013

Going Back In Time

Going back in time is an anomaly that is impossible, but it's something that I always think and talk about with my friends whenever we talk about high school (since it's the last time we were all together).  I know some of you probably think that it's silly to talk about something like this, but I know it's something we all wish we could do, whether we could alter the future or not.  Whenever my friends and I talk about time travel, our scenario is that we go back to 9th grade, before ever meeting each other, with our current memories intact.  What would we do if that happened?  Would we leave things as they are, or change things for the better?  I'm not sure if I would make that many changes with the past or future, but if I did, here are a few things I know for sure I would do.
  • I would tell myself to lose the weight I had back then because back then I was huge.  Not just for my own health, but because losing weight would give me better self esteem, which was something I lacked for a majority of high school.
  • Be more social, which really speaks for itself!
  • Do more work and homework for myself because the norm for a lot of people in high school back then was to copy each other's work.
  • Bring my own lunch to school because most of the time I starved.
  • I would take a different bus to school because as my friends will attest to, the 14 bus sucks.  It was unreliable back then, and it's still unreliable now.
  • Lastly, I would just try harder in school, because if I started working hard back then, it would set me up for life's challenges now I struggle with, like college or getting a job.

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