Sunday, May 19, 2013

Yard Sale To Remember

I meant to go online yesterday, but got held up by an important event, which was a yard sale my family was having.  Since this was the first yard sale I was ever going to be a part of, I was ecstatic, but once the event was over, I wished I hadn't been involved.  Here's what happened...

  • Everything was so disorganized because we had so much stuff.  There were some things I knew we  would sell like electronics, but other stuff we had like VHS tapes were failures I could see coming a mile away. 
  • Getting business was difficult because the signs my dad made were terrible.  He wrote them all by hand with handwriting that was too small from far away.  In his defense though, barely any people were in my neighborhood yesterday; it was just a slow day.
  • Setting up for the yard sale was much more difficult than I expected.  I thought it would be easy like I'd seen at other people's yard sales or on TV, but it was the complete opposite.  I had to label everything, carry tons of boxes and tables, and communicate with the few people who came, which was mostly pleasant, but not easy to do.
  • We were outside from 9-4 basically and made less than $100.  I could say the real amount, but I'm embarrassed.  Although, I do find that hilarious.
  • My contribution to the yard sale was DVDs.  No one bought any of my stuff, but a couple almost bought my first season of Futurama.
  • Lastly, even though the day was terrible, there were some positives.  I realized I never want to be part of a yard sale again.  My family made some money (albeit not much), and I got to spend some time with my dad.

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