Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My First Barbershop Experience

Today was another day of firsts for me as I went to the barbershop for the first time ever as an adult.  I know you're probably surprised by that statement, considering my age, but my mom always cut my hair for me, so I never complained, since it was free, and I never found her style bad.  Recently though, she told me I had to go to the barbershop, so I did what she told me to do.  I was hesitant at first, but after going, I realized it wasn't so bad.

The barbershop I went to was a small place in my neighborhood.  I went really early in the morning, so I was basically the only person there beside one guy who was finishing up.  Once he left, it was my turn to get my haircut.  They cut on a number system with 3 being the lowest number and 1 being the highest.  The lower the number, the more amount of hair you want off.  Since I didn't want to be bald, but was unsure, I picked 1 and a half, which was what my friends usually got.  They cut off more than I expected, with people being able to see my scalp a bit, but I still like it.  My scalp gets some much needed exposure, and I won't need a haircut for awhile, which is the goal of a haircut.

So all in all, a good experience at the barbershop.  Nothing will ever replace my mom's work, but it was time to start anew, even if it cost $14.  And since I found the first experience so enjoyable, soon it will become routine.

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