Monday, June 10, 2013

Anime Dubbing

Out of all of my friends, I'm probably the only one that doesn't read manga or watch much anime.  Although, in terms of anime, I've watched my fair share from Full Metal Alchemist to Inuyasha.  Then there are the shows from my childhood, like Pokemon, Digimon, and Dragon Ball Z.  I realize now they are anime, but as a child, I thought they were cartoons made in America because I thought all cartoons were American.  Boy was I wrong.  One thing I always hear people complain about, when it comes to anime, is when they're dubbed since usually the dub is terrible, and not authentic because of editing.  And while that may be true for the most part, I'll always believe that anime dubbing isn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anime dubs are better than originals because almost 100% of the time they're not.  I'm just saying, they aren't that bad.  A good recent example for me is with Dragon Ball Z.  I bought the first two seasons of it on DVD and have been watching them non-stop in English.  I know some of you are rolling your eyes at me because the dub messes up the voices, but watching anime in English is how I and so many other children growing up watched them.  Maybe it isn't authentic, but it's comfortable to me, and reminds me of my childhood, so I wish people would stop bashing it.  Yes, most anime dubs are bad, but there are good ones like Cowboy Bebop, so please just stop generalizing. 

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