Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Top 3 Pet Peeves

Usually, I consider myself a pretty mild mannered guy, but it doesn't take a lot to make me angry.  There are obvious things that will cause me to blow a fuse, like when my sports team loses or whenever I have an argument.  Then there are things, like my pet peeves, which don't cause me to blow a fuse, but annoy me.  And because it usually happens in public or with people I don't know, I have to keep my feelings bottled in, which can't be healthy.  A subject like this isn't important, but these things all happened to me recently, so I have to say them.  Without further ado, here's a short list of my pet peeves.

3. People Who Walk Slow: This isn't to discriminate against people who are handicapped.  I just have a problem with healthy people who choose to walk slow when they know that there are other people behind them.  Do the people walking ahead know that other people exist or does the world revolve around them?  Sheesh, pick up the slack people. 

2. Untied Shoelaces: Untied shoelaces annoy me because the people who wear them say they do it as a fashion statement, which to me is pretty stupid.  Shoelaces were invented for a reason.  If you aren't going to use them, then wear different footwear.  No one needs to see your sloppiness.

1. Too Many Cell Phone Related Activities To Count: From one letter text responses to when a person is texting when you're having a conversation, this one doesn't need an explanation.

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