Saturday, June 29, 2013

Goku vs. Superman

My friends and I used to have a lot of arguments/debates back in high school.  All of them were pretty hysterical and memorable, but one that I'll always remember is Goku vs. Superman.  We used to talk about it constantly, but we never took it seriously enough to get a real answer.  Now that I'm watching Dragon Ball Z, and have seen the new "Man Of Steel" film though, there's no doubt that Goku would reign supreme over Superman.

For those of you who may disagree, I actually think it's simple why Goku could beat Superman.  He's had more training, can go all the way up to Super Saiyan 4, and gets stronger after every batter, which is something Superman can't do.  Yes, Superman is basically indestructible, with only one known weakness, but like Goku, he cares too much about humans, which could be his downfall.  Also, he tires out, which Goku rarely does, and if it somehow does happen, he has senzu beans.  It may not be the best argument to why he's win, but no one can disagree that Goku is cooler.

How about everyone else though?  Who do they think would win in a fight, Goku or Superman?

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