Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Sunscreen I Shoulda Worn

The type of sunscreen I just bought, although mine has an SPF of 50
Today, I did something I haven't done in years, and went to the Scooper Bowl at City Hall in Boston.  For those of you who don't know, the Scooper Bowl is a charitable event set up by the Jimmy Fund where you pay a certain amount of money to eat as many free samples of ice cream you want.  In the past, it was one of the highlight's of my Summer, but now that I've gotten older, and need to watch what I eat more, I care less about it.  This year though, I decided to go because I felt like going, and it was the only way to see one of my friends.  Overall, the event was okay, but it was crowded, there weren't many memorable flavors, and worst of all, the sun was up.  You'd probably think that's a good thing, but when you get a little sunburned like I did, it sucks.

It's ironic I got sunburned a little because I just recently bought sunscreen after my doctor recommended I try it for some time.  At first, I was excited about using sunscreen and protecting my skin, but after buying it, I kind of wished I hadn't because I had no idea sunscreen was so difficult to use.  You have to use a lot of it to cover open areas on your body, and you have to follow the directions completely, otherwise it won't be effective.  For my safety, usually this wouldn't be a problem, but when you have to apply it every 80 minutes, what's the point?  I don't want to carry this around all the time.  After getting sunburned though, I might have to.

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