Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The United States recent fascination with K-Pop or Korean Pop interests me because of where it came from, Korea, which isn't a place that the U.S. usually has fascination in besides politics.  I remember first hearing Gangham Style and other K-Pop songs, but not understanding the language or why they were popular, because while they were catchy, they're weren't different from some techno or pop I had heard in America.  That of course is based on preference.  Some K-Pop is crazy and dance orientated like anything PSY puts out (who I'm not a fan of by the way) to softer music, which I prefer.

That is why I'm briefly talking about K-Pop.  I guess it's starting to grow on me a little because of it's continuing airplay, and the fact that my younger brother introduced me to it, and plays it often at home.  I'm not saying that it's better than the rock music I listen to, or even the pop music I like, but it's definitely appealing and worth listening to.  One song he played recently is by this K-Pop group 2pm called "Suddenly".  I may not even be able to understand the lyrics, but the group sings in such harmony that they reminds me of the Backstreet Boys.  Their live performance sounds close to the soundtrack version too, so I have to play it once.  For those who don't mind listening, here's 2pm's song "Suddenly".

I have to say, I like that there's no dancing with stage girls in some Korean music, compared to American music, where it's everywhere.  Also, gotta like the sharp look

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