Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jackie Chan Adventures: My Top 12 Talismans

Recently, I've been getting back into the show Jackie Chan Adventures, the cartoon about a fictional Jackie Chan, who is an archaeologist that saves the world from evil villains.  Looking back, the show was pretty ridiculous with what it had Jackie do, like fight with fish, or on pyramids, but the show's concept was cool.  And all the stunts they had Jackie do were borrowed from his film career, which is something I didn't figure out till recently.  I'm only on season 2 of series, which is with the demon portals, but I did watch all of season 1, with the talismans, which are stone objects that have powers based on each Chinese Zodiac animal. They're all pretty powerful, but here's my top 12...

12. Tiger (Power Of Balance): As cool as it would be having two of myself, I'd hate my good and evil half being split up since that would weaken me, so that's a no.

11. Pig (Laser/Heat Beam-Eye Blasts): I like firepower as much as the next person, but if I want that, I can just use the Dragon Talisman.  Plus, having this talisman would mess up my glasses.

10. Sheep (Astral Projection): One of the most useless talismans in the series that it was sparingly used.  The only reason it's not last is because I'm a sheep myself, and astral projection isn't that bad.  I could float through the astral plain, and visit my friend's in their dreams.

9. Monkey (Animal Shape-shifting): I like this power, but it seems utterly useless besides for humor and enjoyment. 

8. Dragon (Power Of Combustion/Pyrokinesis): Shooting fire from my hands isn't anything special, but it's better than the Pig Talisman, and more convenient.

7. Snake (Invisibility): Being invisible would be cool, and I could get away with a lot, but eventually, I'd just want to be seen.
6. Rabbit (Super Speed): Speed is a bit overrated, but I still like this talisman, and the thought of being faster than anybody in the world.  Looks like instead of Superman vs. The Flash, it should be me instead.
5. Horse (Healing): I love the concept of the horse being the healing talisman (despite not fully understanding why it does that).  The only problem, like some talismans, is that it's only necessary in certain situations.  It is cool thinking of never being hurt though.  Wish I had that when I lost my fingertip.

4. Ox (Super Strength/Durability):  Need I say more?  Super strength would be great, and it would help me out at the gym, no problem.

3. Rat (Power Of Animation): The Rat talisman is so high because it would fulfill every childhood kid's dream of playing with their toys, and help me whenever I feel lonely.

2. Dog (Immortality): Living forever and being young at the same time definitely has it's perks (Look at Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z), but it would suck to live so long and see those I love pass before my eyes, so that's the negative of this talisman.

1. Rooster (Levitation/Telekinesis): This takes the top spot because I've always wanted to fly more than anything in the world.  Not just for the exhilarating feeling I would have, but because of how convenient it would be too.  I'd never have to do anything for myself; I could just use my mind.


  1. I love this list!

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