Sunday, June 30, 2013

June In Review

June isn't officially over yet, but since I have stuff I need to do today, odds are I won't be online blogging much.  Because that's the case, I decided to look back on the month that was June.  It started off great because of my birthday, but as the days and weeks went on, June was a tough month to go through.  Three of my friends left Massachusetts to begin their lives anew in new states, I almost failed my midterm, and all the local sports teams I've rooted for have had some sort of trouble or another.  Sigh...added on with this ridiculous heat and humidity, you wonder how a person's supposed to get by, but I have with some standout moments this month.  I've seen some friends I haven't seen in months/years at events like the Scooper Bowl, saw "Man Of Steel", and had a fun memorable and day hanging out with one of my newer friends Franny, who's been awesome with everything she's helped me with.  Because of her, I was able to give one of my dearest friends a card I made, which they loved!  I may not have been able to see my friend, but I was glad I was able to put a smile on her face.  June may of been a tough month, but it had its share of good moments, which make me look back on it fondly.   

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