Monday, July 1, 2013


Don't have much to say tonight, since as usual, I have a lot on my mind.  But I'm still listening to a lot of K-Pop thanks to my brother's constant playing of it.  Before it was just a fad I thought I would get over, but now, I can't stop listening to it, particularly the sweet harmonies of the K-pop band 2PM, who are kind of like Korea's answer to the Backstreet Boys/98 Degrees, etc.  They do a lot of hard/dance pop, but their soft pop is just as good in my opinion.  One song in particular of theirs that I can't stop listening to is the song "Forever".  I don't know what all the lyrics mean (and am too lazy to look them up), but I know it's about love, and goes perfectly with how I feel now, so to end the night, here's 2PM's underrated song "Forever".  Enjoy and Good Night!

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