Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Trading Cards: A Gold Mine

One of the rarest trading cards of all time, and the first of my generation
Trading cards are a funny thing to me.  Back when I was a child, I played with them like anyone else, but I had no idea when I got older that some of them would become gold mines.  They're pieces of plastic for goodness sake, but trading cards are much more than that or the picture on them.  They represent a part of youth that gets lost as you get older, and also represent competitive collecting or playing depending on your forte.  As I look back on trading cards now that I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon, I'm amazed at the sheer power these cards command.  Not just in their strength, but as I said, value.  It led me to find this list online, which I found interesting, which are the Top 10 priciest cards in all trading cards.   You may still think trading cards are worth nothing, but this list, and people's wallets, say otherwise. 


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