Monday, July 29, 2013

MBTA Workers

For those of you who don't know or live in Boston, the MBTA is Massachusetts premier transportation system.  It has its shares of problems like anything, but most of the time, it gets the job done, which is a testament to the people who work for the company.  It sounds like it's an easy job, but it's not.  I know because one of my friend's worked for the MBTA part time, and you can tell it's not if you pay attention to how people interact with MBTA workers.  Sometimes they're nice, but often times, people are rude.

Since a decent majority of Massachusetts is like this, I shouldn't be surprised that people are often rude to MBTA workers, but it still bothers me to see drivers and others criticized or harassed.  For example, yesterday when I was on the bus, I saw people yelling at the bus driver loudly because he didn't leave on time.  You know why he didn't leave on time, because he wanted to let people on!  Like are you serious?!  Why are you getting mad over that?  I understand you people have real lives and places to be, but try to show some sympathy or understanding of the situation.  If you were one of those people trying to catch the bus, you wouldn't want the bus to leave if you were right there.

I understand the situation I'm recalling is just one experience, and can't speak for all MBTA workers, because I know there's no way all of them are nice.  My point is to just be courteous to people who are just trying to do their job, especially MBTA people who help so many people daily, which is not an easy thing to do.  Other people may not say it to you, but to all the hardworking MBTA workers, I want to say thank you.        

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