Saturday, July 27, 2013

Buying Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Again...

Recently, one of the longest streaks came to an end.  No, it wasn't Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hit streak, it was my streak of not ordering Yu-Gi-Oh cards online, which lasted a surprising 2 months.  I had been doing such a good job of not ordering cards, but once my friends started buying them again, I couldn't resist.  It's cost a few dollars, but I think it's well been worth it, especially since this time around, I'm wiser with my money, only buying a few cards at a time, and not going over my budget, which has helped a lot.  Since I'm into fusion cards, or any cards that can help my deck, the list of cards I've bought so far has been...
  • Gaia The Dragon Champion
  • Gatling Dragon
  • Barrel Dragon
  • Blowback Dragon
  • 2 Future Fusions
  • Paladin of White Dragon
  • White Dragon Ritual 

I don't know what cards I'll buy next, or when I'll order again, but all I can say is that I'm excited about dueling again, which is good since I lost some interest in it a few months back.  Till then, all I can do is wait for the mail with excitement in my heart.

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