Monday, July 15, 2013

A Home Run Derby Suggestion

Ken Griffey, Jr. participating in the Home Run Derby during better times
For those of you who follow baseball (and for those of you who don't), tonight is the Home Run Derby, one of the highlights of Major League Baseball's All-Star Game.  I usually love watching the All-Star Game because I like seeing all the players from different teams coming together to play, and I love how the hosting city gets so excited for it.  But I cannot stand the Home Run Derby itself as an event.  Maybe it's because it's too long, or maybe it's because Chris Berman commentates it terribly.  Regardless, the event needs to change.

As much as I advocate change though, I don't know how MLB could make the event more interesting.  It already has all the star's in it competing and giving it their all.  I think in the 90s it was interesting because that was when home runs exploded (for reasons we are all aware of now), but now the event is stale.  Home runs, while still impressive, just aren't as amazing as they used to be.  Compared to slam dunks and goals in other sports, which can always look different, home runs are home runs.  So how can the Home Run Derby get better?

My suggestion is to eliminate the Home Run Derby all together.  As a baseball purist, I know it sounds like blasphemy, but let's be honest, not many people watch it.  In place of the Home Run Derby, I say we have two all star games like how the NBA does with their Rookie-Sophomore Challenge.  You have the starters voted in and picked by the managers playing the game that counts, which makes sense because it's for home field advantage in the World Series, and have the other players play for exhibition or charity.  It sounds crazy because of the risk of other players getting hurt, but it would solve so many issues people currently have with the All-Star Game.  With two games, there would be more all stars, meaning someone is less likely to get snubbed.  Also, with one roster actually playing the main game, then each side will have the best team available competing for home field advantage, which is what I want!  I love every team being represented by a player, but since this game counts, I want the stars like Miguel Cabrera and Buster Posey playing the whole game, not two innings.  Everything I'm saying may sound crazy, but like I said, it's just a suggestion.   

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