Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Day In Maine

Maine is known for a few things around the globe; it's bright blue waters, it's fresh seafood, and for today, I saw first hand whether it was really worth the hype.  Now don't get me wrong, I didn't go to Maine just to see this firsthand.  I went to Maine because my eldest sister has always been one of those people who always wants to do family events together.  We had meant to do this trip for awhile, but other things always messed it up until now.  With a plan in motion, and everything coming to fruition, I went to Maine for the first time today, and came away happier than when I left.

The trip up to Maine was tiresome, but surprisingly, it felt longer than my trip to New Hampshire, which is closer to Boston.  My sisters and brother wanted to go to the beach, so we went to Orchard Hill Beach because it had a little bit of everything: beach, rides, games, food.  The beach was bigger than anything I had seen in Boston, and it was more crowded, meaning there were parts that were more disgusting, like the bathrooms.  Ugh, you have to pay 50 cents just to pee there.  What a ripoff!  Because I hated the beach, I wandered off with my sister until everyone was done swimming and tanning.  Afterward, we went on one ride there, called the Superstar, which spins people in moveable carts in mid-air.  The ride itself wasn't bad, but it was scary at times because of height, and the fact it didn't seem that safe.  My brother and I enjoyed the ride, but it's safe to say that my sisters were traumatized and we were done with rides for the day.

That one ride was tough, but we made up for it by spending a lot of time and money at the arcade there.  It was a bit childish, but because Boston doesn't have an arcade, and that's the only one around for miles, I didn't complain.  I used $7 and tried my hands at games like the crane machine and pinball, but didn't win anything.  One thing I was good at though was Skeeball and Whack-A-Alligator, so it wasn't all a complete failure.  My siblings and I won 350 tickets and tried to get my dad a souvenir with it, but we didn't have enough, so we just used the tickets on something we wanted, and bought him numerous souvenirs at the many gift shops they have there.

Maine had a lot of things I like compared to Boston so far, like an arcade and cheaper prices on items like DVDs, but where they really impressed me was the restaurants and shops they had there.  The restaurant we went to called The White Cap Grille wasn't our first choice because other places we wanted to go to were packed or closed, but the service was fantastic, and the food was great.  I didn't get seafood, which is Maine's staple, since it was too expensive, but I did pick some off my sibling's plate, which I enjoyed.  After eating a great meal there, we went to a popcorn store, toy store, and clothing store before heading home satisfied with everything we bought and experienced.

So all in all, I loved Maine and what it had to offer to me.  It will never be Boston because no place could be, but I would love to visit there again.  And since I've been there once, now I know what to expect.  

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