Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Just Good Enough

I know the calender may not say 3 days have passed, or even occurred, but it's been 3 days if you count Monday.  Regardless, I've taken my final for my online class and have the results to boot.

I got a B on my final for my online class, which is fantastic considering how things were after my first quiz weeks back, when I got a C-.  I was so crushed because I felt as though I studied hard enough, and the questions weren't that difficult, yet I made stupid mistakes, such as not fully reading all the questions.  Despite how I felt, I was determined to do better, and it happened.  I got a B on my midterm, and an A- on my next quiz, but none of that would matter if I did bad on my final.  Luckily, it didn't happen.

Of course, I know it wasn't all luck that I did well.  Most of it is because of the hard work I put into studying.  It's just hard to give credit to myself because usually I fall so short of being just good enough (which is usually what a B is).  In the past, I've gotten C's or worse, so it feels satisfying to know I really accomplished this.  It's given me a self-esteem boost, and makes me think that whatever life is going to throw next at me, will be no problem as long as I believe in myself and work hard.  I know it's cliche to say that, but it's something I haven't really believed in myself until recently.  Hopefully, it pays off, but in many ways, it already has. 

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