Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dan Gilbert Sucks!

Yesterday, Andrew Bynum signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers.  But the only thing I could think of when I heard of this news was Dan Gilbert, the miserable owner of that team.  I'm not lying when I say that I cannot stand this man.  Why you may ask?  The answer should be obvious, but I'll explain anyways.

First off, he's not a team guy.  You may think he is because of everything he's doing this off-season with trades and draft picks, but in the past, he wouldn't do that for players who could have helped him win, like Amar'e Stoudemire.  Then of course, there's everything that happened with him and LeBron James.  He couldn't surround him with any talent, then insulted him behind his back when he chose to leave Cleveland for Miami  I understand being upset, but you don't do that to a player who saved your franchise and gave you everything he had.  Sure, LeBron may not have gave 100% every night, but not many athlete's do.  Along with that, there's the arrogance and smugness he has.  That attribute may be difficult to see, but all you have to do is watch the draft lottery's the past 2-3 years, and you'll understand what I mean.  He brings his son with him, who is sick to give the team luck, but I know he just does it for publicity because when you have a reputation like he and his team do, you need it.

Now, I know with this tirade it sounds like I dislike owners of teams, but I don't.  I just don't like owners who are fake and don't give it their all, which Dan Gilbert does.  Everyone keeps talking about how LeBron may go back to Cleveland next year, but I say he shouldn't or else this bum will get another prize he doesn't deserve like he did with Kyrie Irving.  The Cavaliers are a franchise that has picked themselves up nicely after "The Decision", but I hope they don't win as long as Dan Gilbert is owner.  There are much more deserving teams, and much more deserving owners.

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