Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sit-Ups And Stretching

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, which I'm trying to get in last minute shape for.  I know exercising vigorously for the next 24 hours won't help that much, but it will help me feel better about everything.  I already walk a lot on normal basis (at least 5,000-10,000 steps a day), but now I'm adding sit-ups and stretching to my routine.   

From everyone I've talked to, stretching is supposed to be part of every workout regiment, but I don't do it often because I don't have the time, and am self conscious doing it at the gym.  As for sit-ups, they're still a little tough for me (I can only do 20-25 at a time), but it's better than nothing, and much easier than push-ups.  These things are a small step in the right direction for my health, but its already done wonders for me, and looks like something that will stick around.  Hopefully I can keep it up.

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