Monday, July 8, 2013

The Death Penalty

This week in my online class (since it's about Criminal Justice), we got to the inevitable topic of the death penalty.  For others, including myself, this subject is touchy, but I still find it interesting nonetheless.  In the chapter, I learned about the history of the death penalty, statistics about it, how it's abused by prosecutors based on race, and how long it can sometimes take to decide if someone is worthy of being executed.  Some of the information was shocking to say the least, and had me think twice of how I feel about it.  I'm one of the few people in Massachusetts probably for it because I think it's the only way to make someone pay for a serious crime, but when it's abused, costing money, and innocent people are being put to death, then I don't know how to feel.  I feel like that is wrong, but I feel as though if the death penalty ever disappeared then that wouldn't be a positive thing because I believe we as people, should always have options.  I feel the same way about other touchy subjects (which will be discussed another day maybe).  The death penalty may not exist in Massachusetts and has fallen out of favor, but I wonder how people feel about the most serious criminals.  Would they rather have them live their lives out in prison, or be put to death for swift justice?  Do two wrongs make a right?  These are questions I don't have the answer to.

I'm sorry for not saying much more, or if I offended anybody.  I just had to say how I feel.

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