Friday, July 19, 2013

Appreciating The Friends I Have

Sometimes I think I don't appreciate what I have when it comes to certain things in life, such as the education I'm fortunate to have, the city I live in, or parents who support me (even though we come to head at times).  One thing I've always appreciated though is friendship.  Compared to the other things I listed, it may not seem as important, but to me, it's one of the most essential things in life.

Friends are important to me because of the history I have with some of them.  For some of them, I've known them for years, while others not so much, but that doesn't mean their friendship is any less.  If someone is a friend of mine, then that means we're friends, end of story, unless something changes.  Friends are also great because they're always willing to hang out and have fun, but at the same time, talk whenever the occasion calls for it, which I appreciate since I always need someone to vent too. 

So why talk about friends and how important and great they are?  Honestly, I think lately, I just realized that I missed so many of them because recently, some of my friends had to move to other states to start the next facets of their lives.  I'm happy for them, but sad at the same time they're gone, and I may soon be doing the same thing.  We only have one chance to be young, and have the free time we do, which is why I cherish the time I have with my friends now, because I know the life I currently live, won't always be what it is.  One thing I know for certain is, while my life will change as I get older, my few true friends won't, which is why I want to say thank you to them!  

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