Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Multiple Choice Tests

Yesterday, I had my first quiz for my online class with decent results (I got a 70 for anyone who's wondering).  I was disappointed with myself, but held my head up high, knowing it was early, and I would do better next time.  One thing I can't stand about some online classes and tests though is when they're multiple choice.  For some people, they think that's a benefit since the answer is one of the choices, but I always get confused by all the choices I have, and get distracted thinking about too many things to count.  Along with that, sometimes there's too many choices, and the extra choices say all of the above or something like that.  When it comes to tests, I'd rather write out an answer any day since I like writing, and there's always a chance to get some credit, which as a student, is something I always want.

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