Monday, August 5, 2013

Buying A Basketball

Today, I embarked and completed one of my daily goals, which was to walk 10,000 steps, or about 5 miles.  I did it because of the diagnosis my doctor gave about my high blood pressure, and because it just felt good.  I walked all over my neighborhood, and could have stopped there, but like Forrest Gump, I just felt like I could keep going.  And I did keep going, from my neighborhood, all the way to the next, leading me to a nice empty basketball court for me to exercise and play in.  I didn't have a basketball, but luckily, I found one on the court, so I just shot around with that for about 40 minutes, building a good sweat, and hopefully, lowering my stress.

I have no complaint about the day besides my feet hurting, and the cost of a basketball, because I wanted to buy one, but I had no idea how complicated and expensive it was.  First you have to look at the brand, then the size, type (indoor/outdoor), material, and of course the cost, which can be as little as $15 all the way to $60.  I suppose I can't complain since this is going to benefit my health, but I just wish I didn't need so much.  In the end, I hope this all pays off since it's been a lot of hard work already.  But with patience, I know the results will show.

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