Friday, August 9, 2013

My Dad, The Superhero

There's a saying that ordinary people can't be superheroes, which if you think about in the comic book/film/TV world, is true, but if you think about it in the real world, we have superheroes around us all the time.  There's cops, firefighters, teachers, and in my case, my dad.  He's doesn't have a job like the ones I just mentioned, and he isn't Superman or Batman, but he's always there for my family, which is superhero enough for me.

Point in case is my recent bout with illness.  I complained to my dad about it yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, but it was his day off and his birthday.  The last thing he probably wanted to do was take me to the doctor, but he did after I kept nagging him, and after he saw how seriously ill I was.  I kept saying I told you so, but he held up a good face.  And he bought me all the medicine and things I needed to feel better, which is already starting to pay off (the strep throat feels like it's weakening).  My dad may be 60 now, but he's still my superhero, and even though I don't always remember to say it, I want to say thanks and that I love him.  

With this post, I want to post up an episode of Boy Meets World that reminds me of my dad.  It's a very funny episode, yet strong because it shows the roles dad's play, and how important their relationship is with their children.  My dad and I are older than before, but I'm glad we are still close.  Anyways, here's the episode.  Enjoy!

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