Saturday, August 24, 2013

Realizing What You Say

On TV, they have commercials featuring Hilary Duff and Wanda Sykes confronting people who use the word "gay" when they want to say something is bad or stupid.  To some, the commercials may be lame, but I like them and commend them for spreading an important message that people shouldn't discriminate against others.  You'd think it would be something obvious, but it's something around us all the time.

With that in mind, I have to talk about Kevin Durant.  I know you're probably wondering why I'm talking about an NBA player with this topic, but it has to do with something that occurred with him over the week, when he was posting pictures of his new fiance on his Instagram when a person commented on it saying "she looked like Rondo", a comment he obviously didn't like.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there comes a time when someone has to realize when to not say anything.  A celebrity or a person posting personal stuff online is doing it to celebrate happiness or to share with friends, not to be attacked verbally by someone's opinion.  One person's opinion may not matter in the grand scheme of things, but it's always hurtful when someone criticizes someone you care about whether it's a family member or significant other.  You wouldn't want it done to you, so like the ads that say knock off saying something is "gay", don't be rude to people on social media.  That's just bad taste and a reason why I don't have a Facebook anymore.

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